Upgrade Your Site Safety Training (SST) Card Online
The NYC DOB has set a requirement that all non-DOB Connect cards issued by training providers be replaced by January 1st, 2023. This means re-printing of the new version of SST cards from the new DOB Training Connect Platform.
All NY Construction Workers must comply with the new DOB policy immediately. ABS is issuing and re-issuing the new SST Cards for NYC Workings, regardless of the organization that issued the older version of the SST Cards. ABS is issuing and reissuing SST Cards (SST10, SST40, and SST62) for minimal cost, considerably lower than other schools)
Site Safety Training Timeline FOR CP
Old VS New SST Card
Until last year, the SST cards were issued by individual organizations with their names and logo.
With the
new NYC DOC Training Connect System, All SST cards (new and previously issued)
have to be issued or re-issued with the NYC DOB logo ONLY.
Please note that older versions will be considered invalid and will not be accepted starting January 31, 2023.
YOUR NEW TRAINING CONNECT SST CARD UPGRADE 👉 https://www.accreditedbs.com/sst-card-upgrade/
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